Spanish Double Object Pronouns Practice Quiz

Double object pronouns in Spanish occur when indirect and direct object pronouns are used in the same sentence. Since these constructions are quite common, in this quiz, you’ll find exercises to practice Spanish double object pronouns.

Here is what you’ve got to do. You’ll be given 10 sentences containing direct and indirect objects. Your job is to choose the best answer using double object pronouns in Spanish. 

Check these resources if you don’t remember how to find direct and indirect objects or you forgot the pronouns you have to use: 

For each question, you will be given a sentence with multiple potential answers. Your job is to choose the correct answer. You can select the answer by clicking on it or using your keyboard to select its corresponding letter (e.g. A, B, C, D, etc.).

10 Questions
Multiple Choice

  • 0 Correct
  • 0 Incorrect
/ 10

Carlos me contó tu secreto.

Carlos told me your secret.

  1. A Carlos me los contó.
  2. B Carlos me lo contó.
  3. C Carlos contó tu secreto.

Tu secreto is a singular masculine object, meaning we use the pronoun lo to substitute it. In this case, the indirect object pronoun was already given (me) and you only need to add the direct object pronoun after the word me.

No nos compres esos chocolates.

Don’t buy us those chocolates.

  1. A No nos les compres.
  2. B No nos los compres.
  3. C No comprénoslos.

This example already contains the indirect object pronoun (nos). Esos chocolates is a plural masculine direct object, and it would be replaced with the pronoun los. As a result, the correct answer is no nos los compres.

Nosotros les regalamos dulces a los niños.

We gave candies to the children

  1. A Nosotros les los regalos.
  2. B Nosotros los regalos a los niños.
  3. C Nosotros se los regalamos.

Los is the direct object pronoun we use to replace los dulces. In this sentence, a los niños would be the indirect object. In Spanish, we must use se as the indirect object pronoun when working with double objects for the third person.

Judith escribió estas cartas para ti.

Judith wrote these letters for you.

  1. A Judith las escribió.
  2. B Judith te la escribió.
  3. C Judith te las escribió.

Para ti is a second-person indirect object and must be replaced with the pronoun te. We use las to substitute feminine plural objects such as estas cartas. So, the correct answer in this sentence is Judith te las escribió.

Yo te compré los boletos a ti.

I bought the tickets for you.

  1. A Yo te los compré.
  2. B Yo los compré.
  3. C Yo te les compré.

A ti is the indirect object pronoun, and it’s replaced with the pronoun te, which was already placed in the sentence. Los is the direct object pronoun that replaces a plural masculine object. Since the indirect object pronouns come first, the correct answer is te los compré.

¿Por qué no nos han dado la llave?

Why haven’t you given us the key?

  1. A ¿Por qué no nos han dádola?
  2. B ¿Por qué no han dadónosla?
  3. C ¿Por qué no nos la han dado?

Double object pronouns in Spanish are always placed before the conjugated verb in perfect tenses. This sentence already provides the indirect object pronoun (nos). La is the direct object pronoun we must use to replace la llave.

Da estas cartas a tu hermano.

Give these letters to your brother.

  1. A Dálelas.
  2. B Dáselas.
  3. C Se las das.

When double object pronouns are formed with third-person direct and indirect objects, like in this case, se must replace the indirect object pronoun ‘le’. With affirmative commands, double object pronouns are always attached to the verb.

A José no le dieron el trabajo.

Jose didn’t get the job.

  1. A No se lo dieron.
  2. B No te lo dieron.
  3. C No le lo dieron.

El trabajo is a singular masculine direct object pronoun, and it’s replaced with the pronoun lo. A José is the indirect object and, in this case, it’s replaced with the pronoun ‘se’ to avoid misunderstandings.

Trae la fruta para mí.

Bring the fruit to me.

  1. A Me la trae.
  2. B Tráemelas.
  3. C Tráemela.

With affirmative commands, double object pronouns must be attached to the verb. In this, the indirect object is para mí (we replace it with ‘me’) and la fruta is the direct object. Notice that commands with pronouns attached have an accent mark.

Me compré unas blusas.

I bought some blouses.

  1. A Comprémelas.
  2. B Me las compré.
  3. C Me la compré.

In this sentence, blusas is the direct object. Since this example already contains the indirect object pronoun, you simply need to add las (third person plural) after me.

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
Carlos me contó tu secreto.
No nos compres esos chocolates.
Nosotros les regalamos dulces a los niños.
Judith escribió estas cartas para ti.
Yo te compré los boletos a ti.
¿Por qué no nos han dado la llave?
Da estas cartas a tu hermano.
A José no le dieron el trabajo.
Trae la fruta para mí.
Me compré unas blusas.

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