Spanish Grammar: 24 Resources to Form Phrases & Structures

The following list contains different articles that will help you learn simple and more complex structures that you can incorporate into your Spanish conversations.

When to Use ‘Estar’ in Spanish: 10 Uses to Master this Verb

Estar is one of the Spanish equivalents of the verb ‘to be’, and we use it to talk about location, distances, and temporary states. Since it allows you to express basic and more complex ideas, it’s essential that you learn how to use the verb ‘estar’ in Spanish

When to Use ‘Ser’ in Spanish? – 13 Uses of ‘Ser’

‘Ser’ is another key verb in Spanish. Even though it’s also translated as ‘to be’, ser has different uses than ‘estar’. For example, ser is used when describing people, talking about possession and nationalities, and telling time. This verb is fundamental for your communication, so knowing the different uses of ‘ser’ should be one of your priorities when learning Spanish. 

What ‘s the Difference Between ‘Yo También’ and ‘A Mí También’?

Yo también and a mí también are the equivalents of ‘me too’. But even though these phrases may seem interchangeable, they actually work with different structures. If you want to improve your Spanish, you should understand the differences between ‘yo también’ and ‘a mí también’

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Join the Tell Me In Spanish community and get a copy of my step-by-step Spanish Learner’s Roadmaps and tricky synonyms & vocab cheat sheets.

What’s the Difference Between ‘Haber’ and ‘Tener’ in Spanish?

Sometimes ‘haber’ and ‘tener’ share the same translation, which can be confusing for many new Spanish learners. However, these verbs are not synonymous and are applied in different contexts. Since they’re essential for Spanish communication, in this article, I’ll explain to you when to use tener vs. haber

5 Common Uses for ‘Seguir’ in Spanish

Most people know that the verb seguir is the direct translation of ‘to follow’. But on top of this basic meaning, seguir can also be used to talk about activities that are still taking place. Given that it can help you convey your ideas better, in this article, we’ll explore the different uses of the verb ‘seguir’ in Spanish in this article.

Qué vs Cuál – Differences & Meanings in Spanish

Qué and cuál are common question words (‘what’ and ‘which’) that often share the same translation. Despite their similarities, these words are applied in different contexts, and it’s not always obvious which you should use. Learning the differences between qué and cuál can help you sound natural and precise when asking questions.

‘Me gusta’ vs ‘Me gustaría’ in Spanish

‘Me gusta’ and ‘me gustaría’ are very similar expressions. However, since they use different conjugations, these expressions are used to convey slightly different messages. We use me gusta to talk about current likes and dislikes, while me gustaría refers to activities you would like to do. In this article, you’ll learn the contexts and the elements you need to use these expressions correctly. 

Desde Hace in Spanish – Talking about Duration

Desde hace is a useful Spanish structure that helps you describe the duration of an action. As a result, you can use this expression in numerous situations.

Since vs For – Desde vs Desde Hace

When emphasizing the moment something started, Spanish speakers use the expressions ‘desde’ and ‘desde hace’, which are the equivalent of ‘since’ and ‘for’. Knowing how to apply these phrases will help you communicate your ideas more effectively. 

3 Ways to Say ‘My Name is’ in Spanish

As a beginner, learning how to say your name in Spanish is crucial. You might know one way already, but knowing different expressions to introduce yourself can help you sound more confident and natural when speaking Spanish. 

How to Use Double Negatives in Spanish

Even though they may seem illogical to you, double negatives in Spanish are common structures that we use in our daily conversations to emphasize negative statements. So, if you’re serious about improving your Spanish, you need to learn how to use double negatives.  

100 Spanish Adjectives to Describe Someone: Examples & Rules

Having a wide vocabulary is key to describing something or someone accurately. As a result, I’ve compiled a list of common Spanish adjectives to describe someone. You’ll also find structures that will help you describe things more effectively. 

Spanish Comparatives: Everything You Need to Know

Spanish comparatives are an extremely useful resource for describing the differences and similarities between two or more things. In this guide, we explore the different elements that you need to build comparative sentences in Spanish. 

Formal and Informal Spanish: Differences, Rules & Examples

In Spanish, we either use or usted to address a person, depending on the type of relationship we have with them. This is what many Spanish learners know as formal and informal Spanish. So, in this article, you’ll learn all the situations where you can use vs. usted and the elements that you need to change when using formal vs. informal Spanish. 

A Guide to Nationalities in Spanish

In this guide to nationalities in Spanish, you will learn what adjectives of nationality are, how to form them, and different ways to ask people where they are from. 

Ojalá – Translation and Meaning in English

Ojalá is an essential word to express wishes, expectations, and hopes. Even though there are many ways to convey this type of message, ojalá is one of the most common and natural ways to do so. So, if you want to take your Spanish fluency to the next level, you should learn how to apply this word. 

Difference Between ‘Qué hora’ and ‘A qué hora’

In Spanish, ‘qué hora’ and ‘a qué hora’ are two common questions that inquire about the time. Click here to learn more about when and how to use these phrases. 

6 Ways to Use ‘Se’ in Spanish

The pronoun se is a tricky and inevitable topic in Spanish. Since this word can help you build both basic and complex sentences, in this article, you’ll learn 6 common ways to use the pronoun ‘se’ in Spanish

‘Hace’ vs ‘Hace Que’ in Spanish – Ago vs For

Both hace and hace que are used in Spanish to talk about the amount of time that has passed since an activity or event took place. So, in short, these time expressions can help you deliver information more accurately. Learn the different contexts and structures you need to follow to use these expressions. 

When Not to Use Articles in Spanish – 7 Rules to Know

Spanish articles are a basic component of a sentence. However, many people struggle to know when not to use articles in Spanish. Learn these rules and exact situations when you need to include these words in your conversations – and when not to

Telling Time in Spanish: The Ultimate Guide

Telling time is necessary for many circumstances. There are a few things that you need to take into consideration when telling time in Spanish. Discover all the elements that you need to know, whether you want to ask for the time or talk about it.  

‘Si’ vs ‘Sí’ in Spanish | Definitions, Differences & Examples

In Spanish, an accent can change the meaning of a word. For example, sí vs. si may seem the same to you, but they’re actually different words. (with an accent) is an affirmation, while si (without accent) introduces conditional sentences. 

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