Spanish Present Subjunctive Quiz

In Spanish, the present subjunctive allows you to convey recommendations to someone, uncertainty about an action and hopes. Since this tense is crucial for communication, in this Spanish present subjunctive quiz, you’ll get to test your knowledge of this tense.

Read each question carefully and conjugate the verb in the present subjunctive form that best fits the sentence.

10 Questions

  • 0 Correct
  • 0 Incorrect
/ 10

Espero que ella (estudiar) para el examen.

I hope that she studies for the exam

Esperar que is a trigger for the present subjunctive. In this case, the hope is toward ella. As a result, the correct conjugation for this example is estudie.

Es importante que tú (hacer) ejercicio regularmente.

It's important that you exercise regularly.

In Spanish, the present subjunctive is conjugated based on the stem for the yo present indicative form (yo hago). Since the sentence addresses you, the correct conjugation is ‘hagas’.

Recomiendo que nosotros (viajar) a ese país.

I recommend that we travel to that country.

The subject placed after the trigger verb recomendar is ‘nosotros’. Therefore, we must use the form ‘viajemos’ to complete the sentence.

No creo que ellos (entender) la situación.

I don't believe that they understand the situation.

This sentence conveys doubt or disbelief about their understanding of the situation. Since ‘entender’ is a stem-changing verb, the correct answer is ‘entiendan’.

Es necesario que tú (prepararse) para la reunión.

It's necessary that you prepare for the meeting.

In Spanish, the present subjunctive can be used to remind people of the necessity of doing something. In this case, preparing for a meaning. Given that reflexive pronouns are placed before the conjugated verb, the correct answer is ‘te prepares’.

Sugiero que ustedes (practicar) más para mejorar.

I suggest that you practice more to improve.

Since the Spanish present subjunctive is used to express advice and suggestions, ‘sugerir’ is one of its most common triggers. Remember that verbs ending in ‘car’ such as ‘practicar’ take the spelling changes observed for ‘yo’ in the preterite tense. So, ‘practiquen’ is the appropriate answer.

Dudo que Sonia (venir) a la fiesta esta noche.

I doubt that she will come to the party tonight.

This example expresses uncertainty about Sonia coming to the party. ‘Venga’ is the correct conjugation for the third-person singular.

Quiero que ustedes (ser) honestos conmigo.

I want you all to be honest with me.

In Spanish, we use the present subjunctive to express what we want people to do (be honest, in this example). Since we’re addressing a group of people, ‘sean’ is the correct answer. 

Ojalá que él (ganar) el premio.

Hopefully, he will win the prize.

‘Ojalá’ is one of the most common subjunctive triggers because it conveys a person’s wishes. The conjugation of -ar verbs for the third-person singular uses the ending -e. As a result, ‘gane’ is the correct answer. 

No estoy seguro de que Emma (poder) asistir a la reunión.

I'm not sure that Emma can attend the meeting.

This example expresses uncertainty about Emma’s ability to attend the party. Remember that the present subjunctive uses the same root as the present indicative forms for ‘yo’ (pueda). So, once you add the subjunctive endings, the correct answer is ‘pueda’.

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
Espero que ella __________ (estudiar) para el examen.
Es importante que tú __________ (hacer) ejercicio regularmente.
Recomiendo que nosotros __________ (viajar) a ese país.
No creo que ellos __________ (entender) la situación.
Es necesario que tú __________ (prepararse) para la reunión.
Sugiero que ustedes __________ (practicar) más para mejorar.
Dudo que Sonia __________ (venir) a la fiesta esta noche.
Quiero que ustedes __________ (ser) honestos conmigo.
Ojalá que él __________ (ganar) el premio.
No estoy seguro de que Emma __________ (poder) asistir a la reunión.

Spanish Present Subjunctive Quiz Instructions 

You’ve been given 10 sentences, each containing a verb in the infinitive form. Your task is simple. Read each question carefully and conjugate the verb in the present subjunctive form that best fits the sentence. Be aware that this quiz contains regular, stem-changing, and irregular verbs. 

Here are some tips: 

  • Pay attention to the trigger words and the subjects towards which the subjunctive sentence is being directed.
  • Choose the conjugation that matches the subject of the subordinate clause. 
  • If you forget the conjugation rules, endings, or irregular changes, check this resource. 
  • Each sentence includes its English translation, which you can use as a reference. Remember that these translations may vary depending on the specific context and meaning.

Notes About the Present Subjunctive in Spanish

Here are some key points about the Spanish present subjunctive

  • Most of the present subjunctive conjugations use the same verb root used for the present indicative forms of ‘yo’. 
    • For instance, yo puedo (indicative) becomes yo pueda, tú puedas, él pueda, etc. 
  • There are six irregular verbs in the present subjunctive tense. 
  • IR stem-changing verbs also affect ‘nosotros’ and ‘vosotros’. E to I stem-changing verbs have the same changes for all subject pronouns. O to UE and I to IE changes have slightly different spelling modifications for ‘nosotros’ and ‘vosotros’. 
  • In Spanish, the present subjunctive tense is used to express hopes, advice, demands, uncertainty, and feelings.

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