Spanish Possessive Pronouns Quiz

Given the sentence, fill in the blank with the correct Spanish possessive pronoun. This 10-question Spanish quiz is meant to help you practice Spanish possessive pronouns. 

10 Questions

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Javier, ¿esa mochila es ?

Javier, is that backpack yours?

Spanish possessive pronouns replace a noun (possession) in a sentence and prevent you from sounding too repetitive. Tuya is replacing ‘mochila’, which is a feminine and singular noun.

Oigan, chicos, creo que este libro es

Hey, guys, I think that this book is yours

Suyo is the possessive pronoun for ‘ustedes’ (plural you) and it replaces this person’s possession. Suyo replaces ‘libro’ - a singular, masculine Spanish noun.

No te comas esas galletas, no son

Don’t eat those cookies, they’re not ours

Nuestras replaces the possession or property which in this case is ‘galletas’. Notice that ‘galletas’ is a feminine, plural noun. As a result, ‘nuestras’ needs to match these characteristics

La computadora azul es

The blue computer is mine

Mía is the possessive pronoun for ‘Yo’ (I) and it replaces this person’s possession. ‘Mía’ takes the place of a singular and feminine noun which in this case is ‘la computadora’.

 Señora, creo que esta bolsa es

Madam, I think that is bag is yours

Suya takes the place of ‘bolsa’ - a singular, feminine noun. Suya is the possessive pronoun for ‘usted’ (formal you) and it replaces this person’s possession.

Giselle, ¿estos paraguas son ?

Giselle, are these umbrellas yours?

In this sentence, ‘paraguas’ (umbrellas) is the possession that we’re talking about. Tuyos is one of the possessive pronouns for ‘tú’ (informal you) and it replaces this person’s possessions. ‘Tuyos’ is the possessive pronoun that we use when replacing masculine and plural nouns.

Este lápiz no es

This pencil is not mine

Mío is the possessive pronoun for ‘Yo’ (I) and it replaces this person’s possession. ‘Mío’ takes the place of a singular and masculine noun which in this case is ‘el lápiz’.

Si quieres invitar a Clara, dile tú porque es amiga

If you want to invite Clara, tell her yourself because she’s a friend of yours

‘Tuya’ takes the place of a singular, feminine noun which in this case is ‘amiga’ (friend). Tuya is the possessive pronoun for ‘Yo’ (I) and it replaces this person’s possession.

Esos dulces son

Those candies are ours

Nuestros replaces the possession or property which in this case is ‘dulces’ (candies). Notice that ‘dulces’ is a masculine and plural noun, as a result, ‘nuestros’ needs to match these characteristics.

Sandra, Emmanuel, estas camisas son

Sandra, Emmanuel, these shirts are yours

as’ (shirts). Notice that ‘camisas’ is a masculine and plural noun, as a result, ‘suyas’ needs to match these characteristics.

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
Javier, ¿esa mochila es _____?
Oigan, chicos, creo que este libro es ______
No te comas esas galletas, no son _______
La computadora azul es _____
 Señora, creo que esta bolsa es ______
Giselle, ¿estos paraguas son ____?
Este lápiz no es ____
Si quieres invitar a Clara, dile tú porque es amiga ____
Esos dulces son____
Sandra, Emmanuel, estas camisas son _______

To test your knowledge of possessive pronouns in Spanish, we recommend you to take our Spanish Possessive Adjectives quiz since these words can be easily confused with possessive pronouns.

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