Reflexive Verbs Quiz

Given the information, provide the correct conjugation for each sentence. Remember that a reflexive verb conjugation also needs to include a reflexive pronoun.  

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Vosotros el uniforme blanco.

You will wear the white uniform (ponerse, future, vosotros)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (you, plural) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Os pondréis’ is the conjugation of vosotros in the future tense.

Mis vecinos muy tarde.

My neighbors wake up very late (levantarse, present, ellos)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (my neighbors) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se levantan’ is the conjugation of ellos in the present tense. These verbs can be used to talk about daily routines.

Neal y yo para ir a trabajar.

Neal and I get ready to go to work (arreglarse, present, nosotros)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (we or ‘Neal and I’) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Nos arreglamos’ is the conjugation of nosotros in the present tense. These verbs can be used to talk about daily routines.

Siempre con ropa cómoda.

I always wear comfortable clothes (vestirse, present, yo)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (“I”) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Me visto’ is the conjugation of yo in the present tense.

Miguel de malas.

Miguel woke up in a bad mood (levantarse, preterite, él)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (Miguel) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se levantó’ is the conjugation of él in the preterite tense.

Voy a los zapatos.

I’m going to take my shoes off (quitarse, present, yo)

When a sentence has more than one verb, the reflexive verb is not conjugated, but you do need to change ‘se’ to match the subject of the sentence. Me is the reflexive pronoun for yo.

Andrea y Helena todan todas las mañanas.

Andrea and Helene comb their hair every morning (peinarse, present, ellas)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (Andrea and Helene) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se peinan’ is the conjugation of ellas in the present tense.

Ve a las mano.

Go wash your hands (lavarse, imperative, tú)

When a sentence has more than one verb, the reflexive verb is not conjugated, but you do need to change ‘se’ to match the subject of the sentence. Te is the reflexive pronoun for tú.

Los chicos de la oficina no hoy.

The guys at the office didn’t shave today (afeitarse, preterite, ellos)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (“the guys”) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se afeitaron’ is the conjugation of ellos in the preterite tense.

Mañana nosotros de España.

Tomorrow we’ll leave Spain (irse, future, nosotros)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (we) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Nos iremos’ is the conjugation of nosotros in the present tense.

¿A qué hora , chicos?

What time did you guys fall asleep? (dormirse, preterite, ustedes)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (“you guys”) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se durmieron’ is the conjugation of ustedes in the preterite tense.

Julián, ¿ de Clara?

Julian, did you say goodbye to Clara? (despedirse, preterite, tú)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (you) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Te despediste’ is the conjugation of tú in the preterite tense.

Nosotros en la playa.

We relax on the beach (relajarse, present, nosotros)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (we) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Nos relajamos’ is the conjugation of nosotros in the preterite tense. Reflexive verbs can be used to talk about emotional states.

No , vamos a llegar a tiempo.

Don’t you worry, we’re going to be on time (preocuparse, negative command, tú)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (we) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Te preocupes’ is the conjugation of tú in the negative imperative mood. Reflexive verbs can be used to talk about emotional states.

Sam y yo fuimos a la cara.

Sam and I went to clean our faces (limpiarse, nosotros)

When a sentence has more than one verb, the reflexive verb is not conjugated, but you do need to change ‘se’ to match the subject of the sentence. Nos is the reflexive pronoun for nosotros.

¿Ya los dientes, Diego?

Did you already brush your teeth, Diego? (cepillarse, preterite, tú)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (you) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Te cepillaste’ is the conjugation of tú in the preterite tense.

Sophia unas horas en la oficina.

Sophia stayed a few hours at the office (quedarse, preterite, ella)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (Sophia) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se quedó’ is the conjugation of ella in the preterite tense.

Niños, no en el piso porque está sucio.

Kids, don’t lay down on the floor because it’s dirty (acostarse, negative command, ustedes)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (the kids) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘No se acuesten’ is the conjugation of ustedes in the negative imperative mood.

Mis primas y yo bien.

My cousins and I get along well (llevarse, present, nosotros)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (we / “My cousins and I”) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Nos llevamos’ is the conjugation of nosotros in the present tense.

Mayra no dónde está su bolsa.

Mayra doesn’t remember where her bag is (acordarse, present, ella)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject of the sentence (Mayra) is performing the action on/upon itself. ‘Se acuerda’ is the conjugation of ella in the present tense.

Quiz Results

Question Answer Given Correct Answer
Vosotros _______ el uniforme blanco.
Mis vecinos ________ muy tarde.
Neal y yo ________ para ir a trabajar.
Siempre ________ con ropa cómoda.
Miguel ________ de malas.
Voy a ________ los zapatos.
Andrea y Helena ________ todan todas las mañanas.
Ve a ________ las mano.
Los chicos de la oficina no ________ hoy.
Mañana nosotros ________ de España.
¿A qué hora ________, chicos?
Julián, ¿________ de Clara?
Nosotros ________ en la playa.
No ________, vamos a llegar a tiempo.
Sam y yo fuimos a ________ la cara.
¿Ya ________ los dientes, Diego?
Sophia ________ unas horas en la oficina.
Niños, no ________ en el piso porque está sucio.
Mis primas y yo ________ bien.
Mayra no ________ dónde está su bolsa.

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