List of Reflexive Verbs in Spanish: 47 Most Common Verbs

When learning reflexive verbs, people often want to identify all the verbs that follow this pattern. If you’re going through the same process, in this article, you’ll find a list of the top reflexive verbs in Spanish. 

Here is a quick overview of what we’ll cover: 

Before we start, I wanted to give you a little word of caution. 

There are hundreds of reflexive verbs in Spanish. However, this is a curated list that contains the most common verbs you must know. And since they behave the same, this list of reflexive verbs in Spanish will also include a few pronominal and reciprocal verbs

23 Must-Know Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

chart with reflexive verbs in spanish

When starting to learn Spanish, many people assume that reflexive verbs are only used to talk about someone’s daily routine. However, you can use these types of verbs in other everyday situations. 

Below is a list of common reflexive verbs in Spanish that you should learn:

  • Aburrirse To get bored
  • Acordarse To remember 
  • Acostumbrarse To get used to
  • Aprenderse – To learn by heart 
  • Besarse To kiss
  • Callarse To shut up
  • Cansarse To get tired 
  • Conocerse To know oneself/each other
  • Cuidarse To take care of oneself
  • Emborracharse To get drunk
  • Enamorarse To fall in love
  • Enfadarse To get upset
  • Equivocarse To make a mistake 
  • Despedirse To say goodbye
  • Imaginarse To imagine
  • Llamarse To be named / To be called
  • Moverse To move 
  • Parecerse To look like
  • Pelearse To have a fight with 
  • Pesarse To weight yourself
  • Quejarse To complain 
  • Reírse To laugh
  • Sentirse To feel

And here are some examples with these verbs:

¿De qué te ríes?
What are you laughing at?

Mis amigos no se acuerdan de tu nombre.
My friends don’t remember your name.

¿Cómo se llamaba la película que vimos?
What was the name of the movie we saw?

Take Note: In Spanish pronominal verbs always work with reflexive pronouns. Reflexive and reciprocal verbs are examples of pronominal verbs. Not all pronominal verbs express that people perform an action on themselves. For example, quejarse, despedirse. 

24 Basic Reflexive Verbs in Spanish for Daily Routines

chart with basic reflexive verbs for daily routines in spanish

Basic reflexive verbs in Spanish are those verbs that you can use to talk about your daily routine. In the list below, you will find examples of these reflexive verbs:

  • Abrocharse To button / To tie / To fasten / To zip
  • Bañarse To bathe / To shower
  • Acostarse To lay down
  • Afeitarse To shave 
  • Arreglarse To groom / To get ready
  • Cambiarse To get changed 
  • Cepillarse To brush / to comb
  • Despertarse To wake up
  • Dormirse To fall asleep / To go to bed
  • Ducharse To shower
  • Lavarse To wash yourself
  • Levantarse To get up 
  • Limpiarse To clean yourself
  • Maquillarse To put makeup on
  • Irse / MarcharseTo leave
  • Peinarse To do your hair
  • Pintarse To put makeup on 
  • Ponerse To put on
  • Prepararse To get ready
  • Quitarse To take off
  • Secarse To dry up
  • Sentarse To sit
  • Taparse To cover yourself
  • Vestirse To get dressed 

As you can see, some of the reflexive verbs in this list have a vowel underlined. This mark indicates that these verbs are stem-changing verbs

Here are some examples of how to use reflexive verbs to talk about your daily routine in Spanish: 

[Reflexive verb conjugated] + [complement]

Yo me duermo y me despierto muy temprano.
I go to bed and wake up very early.

Los niños se están cambiando.
The kids are getting changed.

Nosotros nos preparamos para ir a trabajar.
We are getting ready to go to work.

Sophie se lava y se seca las manos antes de comer.
Sophie washes and dries her hands before eating.

Take Note: Many people find reflexive verbs challenging to conjugate because of the reflexive pronoun. If you’re struggling with this topic, you should check my guide on conjugating reflexive verbs in Spanish.  

Verbs that Change their Meaning in Reflexive Form

Many Spanish verbs have reflexive and non-reflexive forms. In most of these cases, the core meaning of the verb remains the same. However, there are a few verbs whose meanings change when used in their reflexive form. 

Here is a list of reflexive verbs in Spanish that change their meaning: 

VerbNon-Reflexive MeaningReflexive Meaning
AprenderTo learnTo learn by heart
ColarTo leakTo sneak in
ConfiarTo trustTo be overconfident 
DespedirTo fireTo say goodbye
FijarTo setTo notice / To watch
IrTo goTo leave
LlevarTo takeTo get along with
NegarTo denyTo refuse
ParecerTo seemTo look like
PerderTo loseTo miss out / To get lost
PreguntarTo ask To wonder
ProbarTo taste / To tryTo try on
RendirTo perform / To bearTo quit / To surrender
VolverTo come backTo become

Below are several examples to show the differences between the regular and reflexive verbs’ meanings.

Despedir vs Despedirse

¿Te despediste de tu tía?
Did you say goodbye to your aunt?

El jueves despidieron a todos los vendedores.
They fired all the salesmen on Thursday.

Llevar vs llevarse

Claudia y Tim no se llevan bien.
Claudia and Tim don’t get along well.

Mis primos llevan a su perro al parque.
My cousins take their dog to the park.

Take Note: When the verb keeps the same meaning, using a verb in its reflexive or non-reflexive form depends on what you want to convey. If you’re still struggling to understand this difference, check this article on reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

Download the Top Spanish Reflexive Verbs PDF

Now that we’ve gone through the list of most common reflexive verbs in Spanish, you’ll probably want to refer back to this list later as you continue practicing your command of reflexive verbs and look to expand your use of them. Download a PDF cheat sheet of the top reflexive verbs to study on your own schedule.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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