8 Different Ways to Ask for a Kiss in Spanish

If you’re dating a Spanish speaker, it’s very likely that at some point you would want to ask her or him for a kiss. But if you’re not familiar with the vocabulary and the phrases you need, asking for a kiss in Spanish could be daunting and it may make you feel more nervous than you need to be.  

So how to ask for a kiss in Spanish? Depending on the person’s personal preferences, Spanish speakers use the following phrases to ask for a kiss:

These previous phrases are very common when asking for a kiss in Spanish, but their degree of politeness and romanticism may vary. In order to help you choose, in the following sections, we’ll explain when it’s best to use each of these phrases as well as their meanings. 

Take your time, read the descriptions carefully and choose the best option for your situation. By the end of this, you will know 8 common ways to ask your sweetheart for a kiss.

1. ¿Te puedo besar? / ¿Puedo besarte? – Can I kiss you?

¿Te puedo besar? is a polite way to ask someone’s permission to kiss them. On top of being polite, this phrase is also very romantic and it’s more commonly used at the dating stage. ‘¿Te puedo besar’ can be translated as ‘can I kiss you’. Notice that you could also use ¿puedo besarte? with the same meaning. 

Ana, me gustas mucho, ¿te puedo besar?
Ana, I like you very much, can I kiss you?

Qué guapo te ves hoy, ¿puedo besarte? 
You look very handsome today, can I kiss you?

Both of these phrases work with direct object pronouns and the verb ‘poder’. Here is the phrase structure that you can use with ¿te puedo besar? 

¿[Direct object pronoun] + [poder conjugated] + besar?

Señorita, ¿la puedo besar?
Miss, can I kiss you?

Take Note: ¿Te puedo besar? and ¿puedo besarte? are the same sentence with a different order. In Spanish, having two verbs in a sentence (poder and besar) gives you some freedom when it comes to placing pronouns. 

2. ¿Me das un beso? – Can I have a kiss?

¿Me das un beso? is also a phrase that Spanish speakers use to ask someone permission to kiss them. This phrase is polite, but unlike ‘¿te puedo besar?’, it’s not necessarily romantic. As a result, you can use it to ask a friend or a relative for a kiss. ‘¿Me das un beso?’ could be translated as ‘can I have a kiss?’. 

Te ves muy bonita, ¿me das un beso?
You look very pretty, can I have a kiss? 

¿Me das un beso? No sigues enojada, ¿o sí?
Can I have a kiss? You’re not mad anymore, are you?

3. ¡Bésame! – Kiss me!

As you may know, bésame is the direct translation of ‘kiss me’. Even though ‘bésame’ is a command, it doesn’t necessarily sound rude or demanding. In fact, with the proper tone of voice ‘bésame’ can be very romantic. But if you don’t want to take your chances, you can add ‘por favor’ to your sentence. 

¿Te puedo pedir algo? ¡Bésame!
Can I ask you something? Kiss me!

Mi avión está por salir, bésame y dame un abrazo
My plane is about to leave, kiss me and give me a hug

Take Note: ‘Bésame’ is very popular in romantic contexts. Since it’s quite a romantic expression, some Spanish speakers may use other phrases instead. 

4. ¡Dame un beso! – Give me a kiss!

Dame un beso is an informal and lighter version of ‘bésame’. As a result, it could be translated as ‘give me a kiss’. ‘Dame un beso’ is also a command, so if you don’t use a proper tone of voice, you run the risk of sounding too demanding. 

Since you’re making a request, this phrase implies some familiarity with the other person. On top of that, ‘dame un beso’ is not only used among couples: you can also use it to ask a friend or a relative for a kiss. 

¡Qué bien te ves hoy, mi amor! ¡Dame un beso!
You look very well today, my love! Give me a kiss!

¡Karina! Hace mucho que no te veía, ven, dame un beso
Karina! It’s been a long time since I saw you come give me a kiss

¿No me vas a saludar? ¡Dame un beso!
You’re not going to say hello to me? Give me a kiss!

Take Note: Since it’s less romantic than ‘bésame’, ‘dame un beso’ can be used among your friends and relatives. Notice that it works with indirect pronouns, so make sure you pay attention to the correct placement. 

5. ¿Te puedo robar un beso? – Can I steal a kiss from you?

¿Te puedo robar un beso? is one of the most romantic ways to ask for a kiss in Spanish. Like other phrases from this list, ‘¿te puedo robar un beso?’ is also asking for someone’s permission to kiss them. On top of being romantic and cute, this phrase is very polite and not as overused as others. So if you’re not afraid of being romantic and original, this is your best option. 

Me gustas mucho, ¿te puedo robar un beso? 
I like you very much, can I steal a kiss from you?

¿Te puedo robar un beso? Es que la verdad eres muy guapa
Can I steal a kiss from you? You’re very pretty, to be honest

Take Note: Even though you’re still asking for permission, ‘¿te puedo robar un beso?’ is quite romantic. But, if you think this phrase is too romantic for you, you can add it to other sentences (notice that in this case, we’ll remove the verb poder). 

¿Te enojarías si te robo un beso?
Would you be mad if I steal a kiss from you?

Si te robo un beso, ¿me lo contestarías?
If I steal a kiss from you, would you kiss me back?

6. Quiero besarte – I want to kiss you

Unlike other phrases from this list, quiero besarte is neither a command nor a question to ask for permission, it’s simply a statement. However, Spanish speakers also use this phrase to let people know their intentions and see if they can get a positive answer. 

Even though this phrase is not as romantic as others, it’s quite popular among speakers.  ‘Quiero besarte’ is the direct translation of ‘I want to kiss you’ and we mainly use it among couples. Here is the phrase structure that you would need to follow with this phrase.

[Querer conjugated] + [besar] + [indirect pronoun]

¿Cuándo regresas? Quiero besarte y abrazarte
When are you back? I want to kiss and hug you

He querido besarte desde el primer día que te conocí
I have wanted to kiss you since the first day I met you

Take Note: You can conjugate ‘querer’ to different tenses so you have a better way to express your feelings. Notice that in Spanish, the indirect pronoun and the second verb (besar) blend into one word. 

7. ¿Me regalas un beso? – Can you give me a kiss?

¿Me regalas un beso? is a more romantic variation of ‘¿me das un beso?’. This expression implies that the person asking the question sees the kiss as a gift. ‘¿Me regalas un beso?’ can be translated as ‘can you give me a kiss?’. Although it can be applied in romantic contexts, this expression can also be used in other situations. 

Pero qué grande estás, mijito, ¿me regalas un beso?
Look how big you are, sweetie, can you give me a kiss?

¡Qué gusto verte! Bueno, ¿me regalas un beso o qué?
It’s so good to see you! Well, can you give me a kiss or what?

¿Me regalas un último beso? Te prometo que ya no te vuelvo a molestar
Can you give me a last kiss? I promise that I won’t bother you again

8. Me encantaría besarte – I would love to kiss you

Me encantaría besarte is also a polite phrase that people use in Spanish to ask for a kiss. Just like ‘quiero besarte’, this expression is asking permission indirectly by letting people know about your intentions. ‘Me encantaría besarte’ is the direct translation of ‘I would love to kiss you’, as a result, it’s slightly more formal and polite than ‘quiero besarte’. 

A mi también me encantaría besarte
I would like to kiss you too

Si te soy sincero, me encantaría besarte
To be honest, I would like to kiss you

Take Note: Me gustaría besarte is a variation of ‘me encantaría besarte’. Both phrases express your desire to kiss a person, but ‘me encantaría besarte’ is slightly more intense than ‘me gustaría besarte’. 

Wrapping Up

Learning how to ask for a kiss in Spanish may not be one of the most common topics for your daily conversations. However, these phrases can be very handy when dating a Spanish speaker. 

In this list, we provided you with 8 different ways to ask for a kiss in Spanish. All of these phrases are quite common in standard Spanish, as a result, you shouldn’t have issues using them in any Spanish speaking country you’re in or visit. 

Now, you’re ready to go out there and ask your date for a kiss in Spanish 🙂 good luck! 

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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