49 Pretty Compliments in Spanish for Her, Him, Food & More

Praising or saying nice things to someone in Spanish is an easy way to break the ice. But it’s also great to encourage and show appreciation to your friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. If you’re unsure what to say, you should learn some common compliments in Spanish.  

Complimenting and praising is a basic interaction when learning a new language. For that reason, in this article, you’ll find 49 common Spanish compliments that you can use in different situations. These praises are classified into: 

By the end of it, you’ll be able to give compliments in Spanish. 

Take Note: Halago, cumplido or piropo are the words you use to say ‘compliment’ in Spanish. To say ‘give a compliment’, you can use halagar, elogiar, decir un piropo, or hacer un cumplido. 

Compliments in Spanish for Her & Him

Many Spanish compliments can be used for both men and women. These expressions can be used to praise personality or physical traits. Below, you’ll find a table with the best compliments for her and him in Spanish. 

Spanish ComplimentEnglish Compliment
Eres muy guapo/guapaYou’re very handsome / You’re beautiful
Eres el/la mejorYou’re the best
Eres lo máximoYou’re the best
Eres muy agradableYou’re very nice
Eres muy divertido / Eres muy divertidaYou’re very funny
Eres muy buena ondaYou’re very cool
Eres muy lindo/lindaYou’re so nice / You’re very cute
Eres muy atractivoYou’re very attractive
Eres la persona más [adjetivo] que he conocidoYou’re the (most) [adjective] person I’ve ever met
Esa/ese [ropa] se queda muy bienThat [clothing] suits you very well
Estás muy bueno/buenaYou’re very hot
Me encanta tu [cualidad]I love your [trait]
Nunca cambiesNever change
¡Qué bonita/bonito [parte del cuerpo] tienes!You have such a beautiful [body part]
¡Qué bien te ves!You look very good! / You look great!
¡Qué guapo/guapa!How handsome! / How pretty!
¡Qué lindo/linda!You’re so cute!
Te ves increíbleYou look amazing
Te ves muy bienYou look great
Te ves muy bonita / Te ves muy guapoYou look lovely / You look very handsome

Here are some examples of how to use these compliments. You can change the conjugation of the verb depending on whom you’re addressing:

¡Qué bonita sonrisa tienes!
You have such a beautiful smile!

Me encanta tu sentido del humor.
I love your sense of humor.

Esa camisa te queda muy bien.
That t-shirt suits you very well.

Guau, ¡se ven muy bien, chicos!
Wow, you look great, guys!

Take Note: Me encanta and quedar are verbs like ‘gustar’, meaning their conjugations must be plural or singular depending on the thing you love about that person or the clothing you’re talking about. 

Although many compliments in Spanish are suitable for men and women, some praises are specific for each gender. For example:

Compliments for her 

  • Eres muy bonita – You’re very pretty
  • Eres un mujerón – You’re a great women
  • Te ves muy bonita – You look very pretty

Compliments for him

  • Eres un tipazo – You’re a great guy

Tip: To further expand your vocabulary, you can check these articles to learn other ways to say handsome or call a girl beautiful in Spanish

Compliments for Students and the Workplace

Spanish compliments can be very handy when praising a co-worker or classmate. Since these praises usually refer to the effort and work done, you can also use them in work environments. 

The table below shows you some expressions you can use to say nice things in either of these situations. 

Spanish ComplimentEnglish Compliment
Bien hechoWell done / Good job / Right on
Buen trabajoGood job / Nice going
Eres muy [adjetivo]You’re very [adjective]
Está excelenteIt’s excellent / It’s great
Está de primeraFirst-class
Estás haciendo un excelente trabajoYou’re doing a great job
Estoy muy impresionadoI’m very impressed
ExcelenteExcellent / Great / Superb
FelicidadesCongratulations / Kudos
Has mejorado muchoYou’ve improved a lot
Mucho mejorMuch better
Muy bienVery good / Well done
Muy bien hechoVery well done
¡Qué buen [sustantivo]!Great [noun]!
Sigue asíKeep up the good work
Te superaste a ti mismoYou outdid yourself

Many of these phrases can work on their own. However, with some of these expressions, you can mention the specific task you’re praising. You can also give a compliment by combining two of these phrases. 

Tu presentación está de primera.
Your presentation is first-class.

¡Excelente ensayo! Te superaste a ti mismo.
Great essay! You outdid yourself.

¡Mucho mejor! Sigue así.
Much better! Keep up the good work.

Tip: The structure eres muy + adjective allows you to create a wide range of compliments in Spanish. You can replace this placeholder with an adjective of personality that describes suitable traits for the workplace. 

Food Compliments

When someone cooks for you, complimenting them is an excellent way to show gratitude. Here are some food compliments that you can use in Spanish. 

Spanish ComplimentEnglish Compliment
Está buenísimo / Está buenoIt’s so good / It’s delicious
Está deliciosaIt’s delicious
Está muy sabrosoIt’s so tasty / flavorful
¡Está como para chuparse los dedos!It’s finger-licking good!
Mis felicitaciones para el chefMy compliments to the chef / Kudos to the chef
¡Qué rico está el [plato]!The [dish] is delicious! / The [dish] is so tasty
Te/Le quedó muy buenoIt’s delicious / It’s tasty
Todo estuvo deliciosoEverything was delicious
Todo estuvo riquísimoEverything was so tasty

To make things clear, you can mention the dish you’re complementing. For instance:

[Dish] + [Spanish compliment]

La sopa está buenísima.
The soup is so good.

Los tacos están deliciosos.
The tacos are so delicious.

¡Qué ricas están las galletas, !
The cookies are delicious, mom!

Notice that when a compliment in Spanish is built with an adjective, you need to change the verb and adjective to match the gender and number of the dish you’re complementing. 

Take Note: When using the questioning word ‘qué’ in an exclamatory sentence, the order of the elements is inverted. Take sentence #3 as an example. Unlike the other statements, in this example, the adjective is placed before the verb and the noun. 

Wrapping Up

You’ve learned some of the best compliments in Spanish in this article. ¡Buen trabajo! Now, it’s time for you to go and start using them! Buena suerte.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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