Oír Conjugation 101: Conjugate Oír In Spanish

Oír is one of the most common irregular -IR verbs in Spanish. However, in addition to its irregularities, this verb has stem changes in certain tenses and for some of its subject pronouns. So, in this guide, we’ll go over the most important oír conjugation charts. Here’s what you’ll learn: 

Overview of Oír

Verb CharacteristicProperty
Verb Type-IR
Gerund (Present Participle) FormOyendo
Past Participle FormOído


  • Present Indicative: oig only for ‘yo’.
  • Present Subjunctive: oig for all subject pronouns. 
  • Affirmative Imperative: oy for ‘tú’and oigfor ‘usted’ and ‘ustedes’.
  • Negative Imperative: oig for all subject pronouns.

Stem Changes:

  • Present Indicative: oy for ‘tú’ and the third-person singular and plural.
  • Preterite: oy for the third-person singular.
  • Imperfect Subjunctive: oye for all subject pronouns. 

Indicative Conjugations of Oír

Present tense

Oír conjugation in the present tense is irregular for the pronoun ‘yo’. Additionally, you must replace the stem oi for oy with other subject pronouns to ease the pronunciation. Check these changes in the conjugation chart below. 

The Spanish present tense of ‘oír’ is used to talk about what a person hears. For instance: Yo no oigo nada. 

YoOigoI hear
OyesYou hear
Él / Ella
OyeHe/She hears
You (formal) hear
NosotrosOímosWe hear
VosotrosOísYou hear
Ellos / Ellas
OyenThey hear
You (plural) hear

Take Note: When conjugating -IR verbs, we must use the letter ‘y’ if the verb’s root ends in ‘i’ and the conjugation ending starts with an ‘e’ or ‘o’ (oies becomes oyes). We do this to avoid having these vowels in a row and ease the pronunciation. Huir, construir, and oír follow this pattern. 

Preterite tense

Oír preterite conjugations use the stem oy for the third-person singular and plural. You must also put an accent mark on the endings for the remaining pronouns. When conjugated to the Spanish preterite, oír communicates that a person heard something. 

For instance: ¿Oyeron eso?

YoI heard
OísteYou heard
Él / Ella
OyóHe/She heard
You (formal) heard
NosotrosOímosWe heard
VosotrosOísteisYou heard
Ellos / Ellas
OyeronThey heard
You (plural) heard

Imperfect tense

In the Spanish imperfect tense, oír is a regular verb with no stem changes. Use this verb’s imperfect conjugations to talk about the things someone used to hear repeatedly in the past. For example: Mis hermanos nunca oían lo que mi mamá les decía. 

YoOíaI heard
I used to hear
OíasYou heard
You used to hear
Él / Ella
OíaHe/She heard
He/She used to hear

You (formal) heard
You (formal) used to hear
NosotrosOíamosWe heard
We used to hear
VosotrosOíaisYou heard
You used to hear
Ellos / Ellas
OíanThey heard
They used to hear

You (plural) heard
You (plural) used to hear

Near future

The near or immediate future in Spanish is conjugated with the formula ir (present tense) + a + oír. Use these forms to say that someone will hear something soon in the future. Apenas voy a oír el audio que me mandaste. 

YoVoy a oírI’m going to hear
Vas a oírYou’re going to hear
Él / Ella
Va a oírHe/She is going to hear
You (formal) are going to hear
NosotrosVamos a oírWe’re going to hear
VosotrosVais a oírYou’re going to hear
Ellos / Ellas
Van a oírThey’re going to hear
You (plural) are going to hear

Future simple tense

In the future simple tense, oír expresses that someone will hear something at some moment in the future. For example: Oirás un poco de ruido, pero no te preocupes. 

YoOiréI will hear
OirásYou will hear
Él / Ella
OiráHe/She will hear
You (formal) will hear
NosotrosOiremosWe will hear
VosotrosOiréisYou (formal) will hear
Ellos / Ellas
OiránThey will hear
You (plural) will hear

Conditional tense

Oír conjugated to the conditional tense is used to talk about the things someone would hear. For example: Si subieras el volumen, todos oiríamos mejor.

YoOiríaI would hear
OiríasYou would hear
Él / Ella
OiríaHe/She would hear
You (formal) would hear
NosotrosOiríamosWe would hear
VosotrosOiríaisYou would hear
Ellos / Ellas
OiríanThey would hear
You (plural) would hear

Present perfect tense

The present perfect tense in Spanish is formed by conjugating haber in the present + a verb in the past participle form (oído, for this conjugation guide). These forms allow you to refer to the things people have or haven’t heard. For example: ¿Qué han oído de la chica nueva?

YoHe oídoI have heard
Has oídoYou have heard
Él / Ella
Ha oídoHe/She has heard
You (formal) have heard
NosotrosHemos oídoWe have heard
VosotrosHabéis oídoYou have heard
Ellos / Ellas
Han oídoThey have heard
You (plural) have heard

Take Note: When forming a past participle verb in Spanish, you must use the accented ending -ído with verbs whose roots end with a vowel. Leer, reír, and caer are some examples of these verbs. 

Past perfect

When conjugated to the Spanish past perfect tense, this verb communicates that someone had or hadn’t heard something before another past action or point in time. For example: Ya había oído algo sobre este tema. 

Haber (imperfect form) + past participle of ‘oír’ is the formula we must use to form this tense.

YoHabía oídoI had heard
Habías oídoYou had heard
Él / Ella
Había oídoHe/She had heard
You (formal) had heard
NosotrosHabíamos oídoWe had heard
VosotrosHabíais oídoYou had heard
Ellos / Ellas
Habían oídoThey had heard
You (plural) had heard

Future perfect

Oír future perfect conjugations convey that a person will have heard something by or before a specific point in the future. These forms also refer to the things people may have heard. For instance: No sé si ya habrán oído esta conferencia. 

YoHabré oídoI will have heard
Habrás oídoYou will have heard
Él / Ella
Habrá oídoHe/She will have heard
You (formal) will have heard
NosotrosHabremos oídoWe will have heard
VosotrosHabréis oídoYou will have heard
Ellos / Ellas
Habrán oídoThey will have heard
You (plural) will have heard

Conditional perfect

In the conditional perfect tense, oír is used to say that someone would have heard something if a past action happened. Si no te hubieras dormido, habrías escuchado lo que dijimos. 

YoHabría oídoI would have heard
Habrías oídoYou would have heard
Él / Ella
Habría oídoHe/She would have heard
You (formal) would have heard
NosotrosHabríamos oídoWe would have heard
VosotrosHabríais oídoYou would have heard
Ellos / Ellas
Habrían oídoThey would have heard
You (plural) would have heard

Progressive tenses

The progressive tenses in Spanish are formed with estar conjugations + oyendo (present participle form of the verb). These conjugations of oír convey that someone is hearing something at the moment of speaking or, in the case of the past tenses (preterite or imperfect), that someone was hearing something when a past action took place. 

For example: Antes de que llegaras, estábamos oyendo esta canción.

Progressive TenseFormulaTranslation Example
PresentEstar (present) + oyendoI am hearing
PreteriteEstar (preterite) + oyendoYou were hearing
ImperfectEstar (imperfect) + oyendoHe was hearing
FutureEstar (future) + oyendoWe will be hearing
ConditionalEstar (conditional) + oyendoThey would be hearing

Take Note: Present participles in Spanish also use the letter y when a verb’s root ends in a vowel. 

Oír Subjunctive Conjugations

You must use the subjunctive mood in Spanish when discussing wishes, suggestions, demands, hopes, doubts, or hypothetical situations. Below are oír’s conjugation charts for the most common subjunctive tenses to learn Spanish

Present subjunctive

Oír present subjunctive conjugations are irregular. Use the irregular stem oig to form this tense. When using these subjunctive conjugations, you request, hope, or suggest someone to hear something. For example: Te sugiero que oigas lo que Paola tiene que decirte. 

YoOigaI hear
OigasYou hear
Él / Ella
OigaHe/She hears
You (formal) hear
NosotrosOigamosWe hear
VosotrosOigáisYou hear
Ellos / Ellas
OiganThey hear
You (plural) hear

Present perfect subjunctive

Haber (present subjunctive) + oído is the formula you must use to conjugate oír to the Spanish present perfect subjunctive. These conjugations are used to express uncertainty or wonder if a person has already heard something or not. For instance: ¿Crees que nos haya oído?

YoHaya oídoI have heard
Hayas oídoYou have heard
Él / Ella
Haya oídoHe/She has heard
You (formal) have heard
NosotrosHayamos oídoWe have heard
VosotrosHayáis oídoYou have heard
Ellos / Ellas
Hayan oídoThey have heard
You (plural) have heard

Imperfect subjunctive

Oye is the root used to conjugate this verb to the imperfect subjunctive in Spanish. Use these subjunctive conjugations to talk about past demands, recommendations, or wishes someone had about a person hearing something. Mi mamá nos pidió que oyéramos esta canción. 

In Spanish, the imperfect subjunctive tense has two models:

Latin American Spanish version

YoOyeraI heard
OyerasYou heard
Él / Ella
OyeraHe/She heard
You (formal) heard
NosotrosOyéramosWe heard
Ellos / Ellas
OyeranThey heard
You (plural) heard

Note: Since the subject pronoun vosotros is not used in Latin American Spanish, the conjugation chart above doesn’t include this conjugation. 

Castilian Spanish version

YoOyeseI heard
OyesesYou heard
Él / Ella
OyeseHe/She heard
You (formal) heard
NosotrosOyésemosWe heard
VosotrosOyeseisYou heard
Ellos / Ellas
OyesenThey heard
You (plural) heard

Past perfect subjunctive

Conjugate oír to the past perfect subjunctive when you want to say that someone would have heard something if a past condition occurred. You can also use these forms to convey regret for having heard or not heard something. 

For example: Ojalá te hubiera oído.

YoHubiera oídoI had heard
Hubieras oídoYou had heard
Él / Ella
Hubiera oídoHe/She had heard
You (formal) had heard
NosotrosHubiéramos oídoWe had heard
VosotrosHubierais oídoYou had heard
Ellos / Ellas
Hubieran oídoThey had heard
You (plural) had heard

Oír Imperative Conjugations

The Spanish imperative forms are used to command people to do something (affirmative commands or imperative) or not do something (negative commands). 

Affirmative commands

To form this verb’s affirmative commands, you’ll use the oye for ‘tú’ and oig for ‘usted’ and ‘ustedes’. You can see these changes in the oír conjugation chart below. Use the affirmative imperative to command people to hear something. Luis, oye esta canción. 


Take Note: Oye, oiga, and oigan are also interjections in Spanish. However, in that context, these words are used to call someone and catch their attention.

Negative commands

Oig is the irregular stem used to form the negative imperative of ‘oír’. For this verb, use Spanish negative commands to order someone not to hear something. For example: ¡No oigas el audio que te mandé!  

No oigasDon’t hear
UstedNo oigaDon’t hear
VosotrosNo oigáisDon’t hear
UstedesNo oiganDon’t hear

Meanings of Oír & Examples

You’ve just learned how to conjugate oír in Spanish in the previous sections. This verb means ‘to hear’ or ‘to listen’, here are some examples of how to use it: 

(Direct object pronoun) + [oír conjugated] + (determiner) + (noun)

¿Me estás oyendo?
Are you listening to me?

No te , ¿a qué hora llegaste?
I didn’t hear you. What time did you get here? 

¿Ya habían oído esta canción?
Had you already heard this song before, guys?

Take Note: You can use different elements with the verb oír. Use nouns and Spanish determiners to say that you’re hearing something. If you wish to shorten your sentences and omit this information or you’re referring to a person, use Spanish direct object pronouns.

Download Oír Conjugation Tables & Uses Cheat sheets

Oír is an irregular -IR verb in Spanish which also has stem changes in several tenses, so it can be somewhat challenging for learners to memorize. I’ve made a downloadable PDF which contains all the oír conjugation tables as well as example sentences to better understand how to use it.

Practice Quiz: Oír Conjugation

You’ve just learned how to conjugate oír in Spanish. The next step is to take the oír conjugation practice quiz to test your knowledge of its various regular, irregular, and stem-changing forms.

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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